Multiport.USB 2.0
There is a number of the equipment controlled through a serial port from a PC or a Now with Multiport.USB you can: -Create virtu…
Crypto Anywhere - OpenPGP Edition 2.0
Secure Email .Standalone or integrated with Outlook Express. Can decrypt and encrypt messages to friends using PGP, OpenPGP, SecExMail and…
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Home > Secret software

Vocabulary Stretch 2.0
Vocabulary Stretch helps build students vocabulary. The program teaches word recognition, meanings, and origin. Automatic scoring for…
The HAM Intelligent Calculator, also called HAMIC, is designed to aid HAM radio operators perform a number of calculations. This includes…
Nepal Military Records 6.0.68
Nepal military records database - Access Nepal military records database now! Lost touch with an old friend or family member in the…

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