AV Schedule It 2.9.0
'Schedule It' resource scheduling software. Complex projects, short or long term planning, staff scheduling, office equipment, meeting room…
MClipboard 2.1
MClipboard manager provides you with 10 Windows clipboards, so that you can simultaneously copy and paste 10 different data segments…
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Home > Usno software

Snowflake 3D 2.0
Large and small snowflakes are drawn in 3D which create a beautiful snow image you will have to see to believe. Options include changing…
Exl-Plan Micro (US-C edition) 2.61
Business plan projections for new/smaller businesses (e.g. sales under $0.5m). For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising…
Pop-Up Stopper Basic 2.40.1000
Block Internet Explorer pop-up windows with this handy browser toolbar for Internet Explorer. Pop-Up Stopper Basic provides pop-up and…

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