El Kartero Professional Ed. 1.10
El kartero is a fast massive e-mailer that allows you to create a template with your message and automatically send highly-visual…
Alpine Loop Colorado 1.1
If there is a place on Earth that deserves the title "God's Country then it is here. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotate…
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Home > File software

SplitBar XT 1.2
Add hotizontal and vertical split bars and auto resize functions to your forms. Individually adjust the size and position of each control…
MarshallSoft DUN Dialer for Delphi 2.1
MarshallSoft Dialup Networking (DUN) Component for Delphi. Version 2.1, Invoke 32-bit Windows Dialup Networking (DUN) from your…
Habil - Software GRATUITO de Controle Financeiro 4.5.5
Mais de 3.7 milhoes de copias distribuidas. Sem custo de aquisicao, sem custo de manutencao, sem custo de atualizacao, totalmente gratuito…

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