RAM Saver Pro 5.0
Easy-to-use RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. It increases the operation system performance by making more…
Teach Yourself Pro
Studying of any foreign languages. Psychoanalysis. Suggestive technologies (e.g. hypnosis). Trainings to activation of retention at a level…
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1.Aesop's Fables 1.1 (e-dition.net) free  Aesop's Fables download
This ebook is a comprehensive collection from a truly legendary figure. All fables, including all morals and parting wit, are included. Go on a journey of mythical splendor, learning the values of prudence and common sense along the way. The ebook contains a history on the myth and legend surrounding Aesop…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 42 | Author: Aesop Fabulist | Size: 2226 kb | Demo
Go to category: Education > Teaching & Training Tools
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2.Space Tripper 1.6 (pompom.org.uk) free  Space Tripper download
a truly modern arcade shoot-em-up, combining the manic gameplay of classics such as defender, with a stunning state of the art 3D engine. Everything you would expect is here : Loads of ememies, big bosses, power-ups and a sore trigger finger!! The gamplay is simple : Fly you spacecraft over enemy platforms, blasting everything in your path. Once each level has been cleared of all…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Size: 4162 kb | Demo
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Arcade
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JGo 5.0
Build custom interactive diagrams, network, workflow editors, flowcharts, or software design tools. Includes many predefined kinds of nodes…
File Finder 1.0
File Finder provides a highly efficient interface for quickly locating files. File Finder is especially useful when the exact name of the…
convertBase 1.1
ConvertBase is a program that provides programmers with a tool to convert to/from bases from 2 to 35. It also will do hex/bin/dec logical…

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