PilesOTiles Mahjongg For PocketPC 2.4
Piles'O'Tiles is a PDA game based on the classic Mahjongg series of games, in which you must pair off groups of colourful tiles in order to…
Acloon VideoViewer 3.3
The Right Click Video Viewer + Audio and Image AVV 3.3, the fastest, most powerful, and easiest-to-use video, audio and image viewe…
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ApacheConf 5.0
ApacheConf is a shell (GUI) for configuring Apache web servers that will help you to tune the main configuration httpd.conf file…
CG Invoicer Mac 2.0
CG Invoicer creates professional invoices quickly and easily. Track clients, products, invoices and generate sales reports. You can check…
StreetSmarts for Drivers 101 1.0
StreetSmarts for Drivers 101 is intended for anyone, male or female who drives a vehicle, period. Easy-to-understand practical tips on…

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