Refinance It? 1.2
This program is a version of a mortgage refinancing evaluation .It will run under Win 95, 98, Me, NT4,XP & 2000. When current mortgage…
Internet Graphic Hunter 1.11
GraphicHunter is a robotic download tools which will find and download millions of pictures from the Web automatically. Just specify a URL…
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Home > Digital photo software

MELM, oder Programm zur Gewinnkontrolle 6.40
Programm fuer eine besonders benutzerfreundliche Gewinnkontrolle fuer alle Lotterien. Bis zu 10000 Spielreihen. Direkte Auswertung von…
Folder Security Personal 3.5
This tool hides and password protects files and folders or make them read-only. It can also restrict access to floppy, CDROM, USB sticks…
SDE for Visual Studio .NET (ME) for Windows 3.2 Modeler Edition
SDE for Visual Studio .NET is a UML modeling tool tightly integrated with Visual Studio. SDE supports reverse engineering (C# code to UML…

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