The Engineer 2 1.0
It's a puzzle game with old water pipe puzzle concept. Your aim is to connect all tubing before the water starts flowing. You may turn…
Banner Maker Pro 6.0.6
Create a great looking banner ad, web button, and web graphics quickly with Banner Maker Pro. Easy to use wizard interface guides you step…
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Home > Dictate software

Timers OCX 1.1
The Timers control is a set of timers that expand on the timer control supplied with Visual Basic. The Timer control supplied with Visual B…
Autoroute SMTP 1.1
Autoroute SMTP is designed for automatic switching between SMTP servers depending on what network you are currently working in.
Active MediaMagnet 5.1.1
Active Media Magnet is the first software product that completely automates your press releases management and internet publicity strategy…

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