OSS Video Decompiler
Video Decompiler - Extract Single Video Frames to Image Files. Powerful Decompiler that supports decompiling video files to extract the…
Beat Monitor 2.0.0
The Beat Monitor is a fully automatic beats-per-minute calculator. It records music from your standard direct sound audio capture device…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

Pocket Tanks 1.0
Pocket Tanks is an artillery game that is streamlined to be easy to learn and fun for all ages. Select your angle, power, and fire over 30…
Homeopathy 3.5
The Homeopathy software data-bank lists homeopathic products by symptoms and by affliction. Cell Salts and Tongue Diagnostic are added for…
Program which restores Windows 95/98 3.8.4
This program is designed to restore Windows 95/98 system files corrupted by incorrect installation of new software or by virus and is…

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