TimeRanger 1.6.0
System clock synchronization, Alarm clock, Agenda, Reminders, Time cumulator etc. are all bundled in TimeRanger. This program keeps all of…
Parallaxis Big Desktop Clock 4.6
Download this big desktop clock for visually impaired people, a good replacement for original tiny Windows system clock. This clock…
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Home > Dvd convertor software

Wisconsin Snowscapes Screensaver 4.50
Enjoy beautiful pictures of crisp winter snowfalls. Relax to the sounds of piano and flute while photos of snow covered pine trees, horses…
Replay Radio 5.02
Replay Radio makes it easy to record radio broadcasts. Pick from 500 pre-defined shows or 700 stations, and Replay Radio records for you as…
Nebula 2 1.1
25 photos taken from the Hubble Space Telescope. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 25 photos of wildly colorful deep…

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