Beach Scenes 4.01
The Beach Scenes Screen Saver features beautiful white sandy beaches of Hawaii and others tropical regions. If you like nature, and love…
newsparrotv4 Freeware
NewsParrot. Trawls for free open news servers, tests for speed, the number of Newsgroups and artical density, before enabling the user…
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Home > Dial ocx software

Mix N Match 1.1
CHILD FRIENDLY-PARENT CONTROLLED-COMPUTER SAFE: Giving your child a head start! Three matching memory games for kids & parents with great…
Call Corder 3.7
Call Corder records telephone conversations directly to your hard disk with a single push of button, optionally playing a legal disclaimer…
Image Editor 1.0
Image Editor is an affordable software to edit images and apply various types of filters. It does the work of most high-priced image…

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