TokiVoki Voice Editor
Voice Recorder, Editor and Emailer, fast, user-friendly. Record your voice message or a note, edit, email it. Prepare your speech with…
Index.dat Viewer 2.1
A tool to view your index.dat files. In case you don't know what these files are, they are files where Windows secretely store information…
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Applet Menu Builder GOLD 1.0
Applet Menu Builder GOLD is a powerful WYSIWYG Applet-producing design tool for creating menu system on Web pages.
7art Flowers Pro ScreenSaver 1.0
Do you like flowers? Then you are sure to like this brand new 7art Flowers Pro It is a mix of Nature's pure beauty and Human…
LAN Find 3.1
Fast file search on network or your computer! LAN Find is a powerful search engine for your LAN or computer. Find any files (e.g. mp3, avi)…

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