Speller 3.0.5
Speller contains two components designed for Delphi: TSpellChecker and TSpellLanguageComboBox. It is designed to add spell check capability…
DocPad 4.0
DocPad is a plain text editor with many advantages over Notepad: bookmarks, case conversion, file history, jump to line, jump to offset…
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Home > Lock folders software

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder 6.09
A program to search for eclipses (lunar, solar, total, annular and umbral), to calculate the phase of the Moon at any given date and time…
Balla Balla 1.4
Balla Balla is probably one of the fastest and most difficult Breakout-games. Play with up to 5 balls at the same time. Absolutely…
Block Shifter 1.13
In this simple but addictive game, the playing field is filled with colored blocks. The object of the game is to remove all the blocks from…

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