LogAnalytics 2.0
LogAnalytics automatically accumulates the necessary data simultaneously from several polytypic log sources, realizes user-defin…
Cyclanoid 8.03
This is a set of games and logic puzzles with various board sizes and controls to allow for easy, medium, or high skill levels. You can…
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Home > Startup software

SmartSync Pro 2.11
SmartSync Pro is a universal solution to back up and synchronize data to a local or external drive (Flash/ USB/ZIP, CD/DVD, NAS etc) or…
Alert Bookmarks 10.0
Alert Bookmarks keeps track of your favorite Web sites, and automatically validates them as you work. Alert replaces the bookmark function…
Wordware CD Player for Word 2.0
Enjoy CDs (Compact Disc Audio) while you work - right from inside Word for Windows! It works like a real CD Player with options for Play, S…

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