Amaze! 5.01
Amaze displays your favorite set of images and Multimedia using random transition effects and many other options. Thumbnail support allows…
Execute Screen Saver Utility 2.1
The Execute Screen Saver Utility allows you to execute multiple programs when your screen saver is activated.
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Home > Chat acronyms software

3D Christmas Screensaver 1.0
3D Christmas Screensaver it is christmas tree, decorations, light, snow and beautiful music. Supports password protection and multimonitor…
Free History Cleaner 2.82
The all new version of Free History Cleaner comes with tons of new features and benfits. New web page sections like Interactive User…
Virtual FlashCards 2
Create and organize sound, picture or text FlashCards. Then use "smart" study options to optimize study time and enhance memorization. Also…

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