File Send Automatically 1.1
This add-In for Microsoft Outlook checks the changes in specified files & sends it by e-mail as an attachment or in a message's body (text…
AntiSpy Pro 1.02
AntiSpy eliminates the traces of your internet activity and work on the computer. Clear History,Cookies,index.dat, Temporary Internet…
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Home > Secret software

PalmTree 3.3
Password protect, lock and hide folders or directories and their subdirectories and files on your PC. Encrypt files with BLOWFISH…
Nethergate 1.0.2
In Nethergate, a fantasy role-playing game from Spiderweb Software, you take part in an epic battle in ancient England. You get to play…
MemDefrag 2.rev.30321
Recovers RAM leaks from poorly behaved applications and increases available RAM for applications,Games and the operating system.Optimize…

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