Spybouncer 2.2 SpyBouncer will detect and remove Spyware, adware, key loggers, activity monitoring software, web site loggers, web parasites, tracking
XchangeCL 1.5 Need to change some text that could be in hundreds of text files? Well XchangeCL can make this easy for you. It will find files using wild
Audiotools 5.38 Audiotools is a drect to disc audio recorder, convertor and processor used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate
KeyRobot 5.0 Logins? Ids? Passwords? Account numbers? Forget about 'em! The KeyRobot remembers it all for you. If you're asked to fill in a login name
Animated Alphabet for Windows 1.0 Teaches letter sounds using upper and lower case letters. Covers long and short vowels. When the child correctly identifies the letter