WinLines 2.1
A Windows puzzle game with smooth animation and sound. Game objective is to align same colored balls in horizontal, vertical or diagonal…
Keyboard Manager Deluxe 2.14
Assign shortcuts, text, and objects to over 350 keyboard hotkeys, including function keys, letters, and numbers, with Shift, Ctrl, and/or…
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Home > Preview software

Perfect Wine 2.03
Perfect Wine is the organizer for everyone that have and like wine. Keep your information's about the wine, vineyard, grape and vendor in…
WhoWiz 2
WhoWiz is a FREE Reverse-DNS We have found that some website statistics tracking utilities do not provide enough information ab…
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Professional 4.0 SE
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Organizational Chart Software, chosen by over 400 of the Fortune 500, is the leading organization chart software used by…

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