Power MP3 WMA Converter 1.14
Power MP3 WMA Converter is a program that mainly designed for converting any audio file from one format to another.
QuickRecord 2 2.00
QuickRecord 2 is a compact application for recording and playing sound on a Microsoft Windows PC. At the heart of QuickRecord is the…
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Home > Search sites software

Advanced CD Audio Ripper 1.4
This award winning CD Ripper software extracts your favorite audio CD tracks and encodes them into compressed MP3 files. It looks up CD…
EasyLicenser 1.1
Easylicenser is the complete software solution for your license management needs. It - Ease-of-use for you as well as your end-u…
Book/Magazine Catalog 5.1
Catalog your library (books and/or magazines) in as much detail as you need. Unlimited number of entries, automatically sorted. Searching…

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