Binary Browser 5.1
The program is intended for programmers and web developers. In addition to binary editing, many tools necessary for almost any user, are…
SignIt! for Windows 1.1
3 features: 1) sign a JAR file (main function), 2) create private keys, 3) manage private keys.
Example:  ACDSee
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Home > Cgi software

Fantasy Girl by Drawing Hand 6.6a
Watch as an artist's hand draws a girl from your fantasies. This version draws the fantasy girl completely with no nag messages. This…
Almanac 1.0
Almanac calculates the equatorial coordinates of the sun, the moon, and the planets. From these it calculates the times of rise, set, and…
ColorPicker 2.0
ColorPicker.dll is a free and easy way to add a "color capture" control to your application. This library helps your users to pick RGB…

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