Ultimate Encoder 2004 5.02
Ultimate Encoder 2004 is a high fidelity CDA/MP3/WMA/AVI//WMV Audio/Video encoder and decoder for Windows 2000, XP or higher, with…
Secure Network Messenger 1.5.5
Secure Network Messenger (SNM) - is a real time network communication program able to send and receive messages and files from one computer…
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Home > Form processing software

Active Whois Browser 2.6
ActiveWhois returns important information on websites and IRC/Instant Message/chat nicknames or attacking hackers. Locate individuals or…
URenameIT 2.3
URenameIT is an easy to use utility for renaming files and editing MP3 tags. Transform poorly named files into intelligently named ones…
Chrsitmas Animated Cursors 1.0d
A collection of holiday Christmas Animated Cursors for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. There are 52 cursors in the set. The cursors are…

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