CoolTabs is a powerful application designed to tidy up your desktop and provide a fast way for organizing and opening your applications…
FF Inventory Pro 5
UNLIMITED vendors, purchase orders, receivers, invoices, payments, customers and products. Limited only by hard-disk space! FAST, COMPACT…
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programs found: 3.

1.avast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.207 ( free  avast! Virus Cleaner download
- Ganda - Klez/Elkern, all variants - MiMail, (A, C, E, I-N, Q, S-V) - Mydoom (A,B,D,F-N including the Trojan horse) - Nachi/Welchia (A-K) - Netsky (aka Moodown) (A-AB) - Nimda - Opas (aka Opasoft, Opaserv) - Parite (A-C) - Sasser (A-F) - Scold - Sircam - Sober (A-G) - Sobig (B-F) - Swen, incl. UPX var. - Yaha (aka Lentin) all var. - Zafi (A-B) avast! Virus Cleaner…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 550 | Author: ALWIL Software | Size: 373 kb | Freeware
Go to category: Security & Privacy > Anti-Virus Tools
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2.EarthWatch 4.01 ( free  EarthWatch download
the specified location and date. * Current northern and southern hemisphere seasons for the date selected. * Number of days until the beginning of the next season for the date selected. * Option to overlay on the map the world time zone boundaries and the local hour in each for the date/time selected. * Option to show the sun on the map where it is at the zenith. * Option to…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 359 | Author: Larry Nagy | Size: 3275 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Education > Other
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3.Solitaire Package One 2.97a ( free  Solitaire Package One download
It contains four two deck (Engagements, Gargantua, Golgotha, Hemispheres) and six one deck (Agnes, Canfield, Fourteens, Penguin, Pyramid Building, Sir Tommy) solitaires. Some of these games you won't find anywhere else, Engagements was invented by me. Individual player statistics are stored for each solitaire game, thus you have to 'Log in' to a session if you want to play and…
Updated: 9, 2005 | Rating: 0 | Author: Gбbor Kertes | Size: 903 kb | Shareware
Go to category: Games & Entertainment > Card
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Home > Hemispheres software

Homeserver Mobile Edition 3.0
Homeserver Mobile Edition turns a regular home PC and Internet connection into a powerful Internet Application server. Homeserver will…
Du Quoin Premium Locator 1.2.49
Our most comprehensive search, the Du Quoin Premium Locator. Complete details from our entire network of public record databases. Expert… Home Keylogger 1.70
Home Keylogger is intended for interception and recording in a file of everything that is entered from the keyboard. Key Logger is able to…

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