Diji Album Editor 6.0
Diji Album software allows you to create electronic photo albums. Diji Album files resemble real photo albums and are just as fun and…
IceChat IRC Client 5.50
IceChat can connect to many IRC Servers, has full scripting support and customizable popup menus, and a unique, easy to use Interface.
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Home > Certification software

Animated Math 1.0
Teaches counting, addition and subtraction with animated rewards every step of the way. Not just a drill, but a tutorial that gives graphic…
7art Flowers Pro ScreenSaver 1.0
Do you like flowers? Then you are sure to like this brand new 7art Flowers Pro It is a mix of Nature's pure beauty and Human…
WireChanger 3.5.0
Smart wallpaper changer, which can do the magic with your background image via customizable templates (interactive calendar, picture mixer…

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