HSSVSS Home Security Video system 5.4
HSSVSS turns your web cam or cameras into a video and motion detecting surveillance HSSVSS is a handy video surveillance tool, we…
SDE for JDeveloper (PE) for Linux 3.0 Professional Edition
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. You can draw UML diagrams in JDeveloper, generate Java code, reverse…
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Home > Developement tool software

MemberTies Professional 3.14
Complete membership database solution! Track contact info, dues, donations, relationships, activities, attendance, and much more. Send…
AccelClip 2.0
This innovative clipboard extension tool is combined with a file viewer and can be used a regular clipboard or to copy text and graphics…
ZipNow 2.0
Automatically zip and unzip files by simply clicking a button with ZipNow! Create zip "script" files which can be run over and over again.

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