Vypress Messenger 4.0
It is the real-time messaging system specifically designed for business Intranets. Using a peer-to-peer architecture, it delivers text…
GGSearch: The search tool with Google™ power! 3.8
This software application is the handy tool for people who are spending lots of time searching in google™. Best of all: GGSearch works wit…
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Home > Nesting software software

Daily Backup 2.08 rel b
puts files into zip archives: as soon as a file is changed (or created), at fixed time periods, when the system is idle, or on se…
Leatitia Casta 1.6
Laetitia Casta is the best supermodel over the last 10 years. She is simple excellent. She is a sweet baby in the supermodel kingdom. This…
Copy&Trim 1.2.1
Cuts spaces and tabs before and behind each clipboard included line, specially useful if something was copied from a website into the…

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