Avatar Capture 1.16
Looking to create an avatar? Using Avatar Capture you can grab any image on your screen, resize it, crop it, and save it in many formats…
Icon Extractor 2000 3.9
Icon Extractor is a small utility that loads and displays the ICON resources found in any file and allows you to select icons to be saved…
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Home > Intranet messaging software

Turbo Taxi 1.0
The Fastest Cab on the Block! 15 levels of retro-style arcade action! You have the keys to the fastest taxi ever built - the Turbo Taxi…
7OfficeDemoMacOSX 3.3.1
Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small business. Qualifying leads, followup, customer pricing proposals, inventory control…
Mobile Real Estate Professional 3.1
Now Supports Pocket PC & Palm OS! Now you can keep track of all your Real Estate listings and view and edit them wherever you are…

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