Staff Monitoring 2.1
“ReJump Staff Monitoring” is a system for control and monitoring of programs and applications, which were loaded on the computer. It…
File Display Utility
Displays and prints disk file dumps in both ASCII text and binary (hexadecimal) formats. Files can be treated as either text files…
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Home > Dynamic menu software

007 Email Sender Express 4.75
Fast bulk email software. Powerful Direct Email Send ability bypass your ISP. Fast Send bulk email using multi-thread. Automaticly…
Ammo and PotShots Screen Saver 1.0
Select your most hated image files and this screen saver will blast to smithereens. With various ammunition sounds in the background…
12Ghosts ShellX 7.10
Add new commands to the right-click menu of files and folders. Copy path to clipboard, new subfolder, show file properties, DOS prompt…

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