AllnSync 3.5.2
Fast and easy to use Directory-File synchronizer backs-up critical files in a directory and it's subdirectories on two different…
Joystick Icon Browser 1.3
Joystick Icon Browser is your gateway to all your desktop icons. You can get all the icons you need for free. The icons that you can…
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Home > Certification software

VoiSpeed Server 3.10
VoiSpeed is a software solution that lets you build complete telephone networks over LANs and realize Internet telephony, CRM and Call…
Awesome Moments Screen Saver 1.0
A screen saver with photos of the Precious Moments Chapel Center in Carthage, Missouri. All photos are 800x600 high-quality images…
Time Clock Manager Pro 2.1
Time Clock Software, employee time clock and a management tool. It works with touch screen monitors. Also has integrated security - by…

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