Stock Explorer 1.2
The complete solution to retrieve, organize and rapidly access market data in financial databases all over the world with the powerful data…
Generic Inventory System 1.0.0
GIS was an experiment that was about to be pulled off the shelves for download until a rash of requests came in asking me to keep it up…
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Home > Photo on tv software

SS Midnight Fire - Animated Desktop Screensaver 3.1
Silent and starlit night. How it is wonderful after a difficult, hard working day to find yourself on a marvelous coast, where the fire…
AdAgentPlus 4.0
AdAgentPlus is a great tool for Advertising Agencies to help maximize productivity. The system performs many tasks including job…
ShutDown NOW! 4.6
ShutDown NOW! (short: SHDN!) is a shutdown utility for MS-Windows: 95, 98 (FE+SE), ME, NT4, 2000 and XP, which can shut down your computer…

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