ODBC View 3.1.0
ODBCView is a free SQL query tool to view and export data from any OBDC database. Data is displayed on a read-only grid and can be exported…
Animated Spelling 1.0
Teaches spelling with over 700 words. The program has two games - a matching game where the child can hear the word and then match it to a…
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Home > Switch resolution software

Outlook LAN Messenger 2.7
State of Art Messaging Solution for interactive communication within LAN. Lan Chat, Group Chat, Voice Chat, File Transfer, Remote Desktop…
Staff Monitoring 2.1
“ReJump Staff Monitoring” is a system for control and monitoring of programs and applications, which were loaded on the computer. It…
JamBox 1.0.0
JamBox is an Interactive Audio Player that plays Jamlet files. Jamlets can be Linear or Kaleidoscopic. Kaleidascopic Jamlets play the music…

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