FontLoader 1.1.0
FontLoader an utility to make your TrueType font installation a snap. It consists of a shell extension and a font loader module that sits…
Bandwidth Buddy for ASP.NET 1.3
Bandwidth savings - ASPX pages compress by Fast page loading - The major delay is transferring HTML from the server to the browser. S…
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Home > Retro software

7OfficeTrialMacClassic 3.4
60-Day Free Trial, networkable. Easy to use Sales Cycle Management for small biz. Qualifying leads, call reporting, followup, tasking…
Notable Quotables 1.01
Database containing folk wisdom from around of the world. Here you will find inspirational thoughts, humorous musings, and cynical barbs…
Audio/Video To MP3 Maker 3.0.70
It can convert almost all kinds of audio and video files to an MP3 file. With the build-in multimedia player, you can preview the media…

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