Account Safe 1.04
Account Safe stores information for all your accounts in a secure encrypted archive. You only need to remember one password to have access…
EdTech MASSGraphics 2.0
EdTech MASSGraphics is intended for simultaneous processing of images in great numbers. It boasts a wide variety of image editing tools…
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Home > Invoices software

Keyboard Logger 1.1
Do you want to know what your children, spouse or significant other type on your computer when you are away from it? The Keyboard Logger…
JPlayer 1.10
JPlayer is a 100% pure Java mp3 audio player. Apart from the MP3 format, JPlayer also supports AIFF, AU, AVI, GSM, MIDI, MP2, QT, RMF and…
Graphing Functions 1.0
Middle-School (grades 5 through 9) math program written to provide skills in context. Students find and plot solutions to parabolas…

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