ZipEnable 3.0
ZipEnable offers fine-grained management of IIS 6.0 built-in HTTP compression for reduced bandwidth, faster pages, and a more efficient…
COMM-DRV++ 1.0
Easy to use professional serial communication C++ class library for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows 98, & Windows 95…
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Home > Mdi side panel software

GetDiz 3.0
Many downloadable ZIP archives have DIZ and NFO files included within them. Sure, they're simple text files that can be viewed with…
Exp USB Virtual Driver (EUSBVD) 2.0
There is a number of the equipment controlled through a serial port from a PC or a terminal.
SDE for Eclipse (PE) for Linux 3.1 Professional Edition
SDE for Eclipse is a UML tool tightly integrated with Eclipse. You can draw UML diagrams in Eclipse, reverse engineer Java code to class…

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