In Search of Light 4.4
In search of light ... In the outer darkness lies a mechanical killer, ready to cut you to pieces with powerful lasers. It's bristling with…
my Gallery Calendar 1.1
my Gallery Calendar is your computers equivalent of a graphic wall calendar, displaying your photos or image files, and a readable…
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Home > Harry potter software

WindowBlinds 4.51
WindowBlinds allows you to change the style of title bars, buttons, the Start bar, toolbars and much more. Safely add thousands of new…
DataGen 0.9
Datagen makes it possible to insert meaningful testdata into any database you can connect to with ADO.
Happy Note! Notes In Space 1.6
A full-fledged arcade-type computer game that's both fun and educational. It will teach you about relative note durations even as you play…

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