Chronograph 5.0
Chronograph is a simple award-winning program which keeps your computer's clock accurate using atomic time servers. It is able to replace…
Visual Drawing Maker 1.14
Convert CAD files into self viewing executable (*.exe) files. This makes the drawing independent of the operation system and CAD platform…
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Home > Delimited software

Connection Keeper 6.3
A free program that makes sure your ISP won't drop your internet connection due to inactivity. Connection Keeper can also be set up to…
FlowChart.NET 4.0.3
The FlowChart.NET component adds to applications the ability to create and present workflow, flowchart and process diagrams, database…
MIRV 2000 2.7
Do you have computer tasks that you perform on a regular basis that require more than one program to be active on the desktop? If you do…

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