Awesome Experimental Aircraft II Screen Saver 1.0
A screen saver with experimental aircraft photos from NASA and Dryden Flight Research. All photos are super high-quality images. This…
Actual Window Minimizer 3.8
Hunting for the right application on the cluttered taskbar? Keep closing applications by mistake? Unwind and get yourself…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

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Home > Contextual menu plugin software

Websync 1.50
Websync is an internet monitor which can periodically scan for changes in favourite websites and inform the user of changes. In addition it…
LocWise 2.30
This Software Development Kit (SDK) to realize multilingual support with external text-like language packs for VC++ programming. It is a…
AbsoluteControl 2.0
AbsoluteControl(tm) offers wide range of OS control tools available on single click. It can set your screen resolution with highest…

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