Command Line E-mailer 1.34
Command Line E-mailer (CLEMAIL) is a tool that allows you to send e-mail from the command prompt. It's suitable for web site integration…
True Test Writer 5.09
Write large numbers of high quality questions from current class activities. The question editor prompts for a seven-part paragraph that is…
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Home > Save money software

SQL Documentor 1.000
SQL Documentor from Vale Software is designed to help all SQL & MSDE developers by quickly and effectively generating complete…
SoftPerfect Network Scanner 2.7
A free multithreaded IP, SNMP and NetBIOS scanner. Both system administrators and users can use this software. It pings computers, scans…
FLaunch 1.1
Do you open the same files over and over again, day after day? Stop that searching & clicking and make those function keys work for you…

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