Dialgo Personal Call Center 2.5
Answering Machine for scripting your own professional call center business scripts using a voice modem. Features Caller-ID, Wave Playback…
Dungeon Scroll Gold Edition 2.00
Fight your way through dungeons of creatures by using your wit to arrange letters to create magic words. Find treasure, battle dragons, and…
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Home > Ftp server software

2002 Beauty of Beijing Screen Saver 1.0
Beautiful images of Beijing, Capital of China, A ancient and modern city. Great Screen Saver with high quality images and sweet…
The Winery 1.0
The Winery is a database program that will allow you to store a list of your favorite Features: export data to cvs; add, edit and…
Space Tycoon 1.0
Space Tycoon is an outer-space version of the classic board game -Monopoly. It is played the same way as the traditional board game, but…

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