WHIST Card Game From Special K 2.7
Play the classic card games of WHIST! Play against the computer, with between 2 and 4 players. Use Windows 95+ to achieve the realisti…
Tornado Flash Player 1.7
Tornado Flash Player is a very easy-to-use flash player which not only reinforces functions provided by Macromedia Flash Player, but also…
Example:  KaZaA
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Home > Unroll software

VCD Menu Lite 1.10
VCD Menu Lite is a free Video CD / DVD menu & title page generation program for Windows. Add this utility to your video toolkit and quickly…
LottoMaster (6 aus 49) 1.00
Sie möchten nicht immer jede Woche die gleichen Lottozahlen tippen und Ihnen fallen nicht immer sechs unterschiedliche Zahlen Dann nut…
DB Maker 2.0
DB Maker allows you to extract specific data from HTML and TXT documents and create text databases. The program lets you analyze and search…

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