ASPMaker 4.2
ASPMaker is a powerful automation tool that can generate a full set of ASP (Active Server Pages) quickly from a Microsoft Access Database…
Arisesoft Winsyntax 2.0
Arisesoft Winsyntax - is a free PHP-code editor, with the syntax highlighting and the context help for professional scripting. Supporting…
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Home > Case management software

TravelTradeII 1.1
In TravelTrade you travel around the world visiting many of the great cities of different countries. As you buy land in the cities you…
Magic Pearl game 1.0
Magic Pearl is a classic Thimbles game with unique design. Try to guess where is the magic pearl and you will tripple your bet! Beautiful…
Xceed FTP Library 1.1
The Xceed FTP Library is a high-performance ActiveX control that allows developers to easily add FTP capabilities to their Windows or Web…

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