AppLaunch 1.2.0
An application launcher utility that allows you to create groups of shortcuts to applications, documents and URLs (Internet addresses) for…
Bronze Tools 4.1
Bronze Tools is a package of two utilities - IconEdit2 and Twin Folders. IconEdit2 is a truecolor icon editor; Twin Folders is a file and…
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Home > Jelly software

SDE for JBuilder (SE) for Windows 3.2 Standard Edition
SDE for JBuilder is a UML plug-in for JBuilder. SDE supports reverse engineering (Java code to UML model), code generation (UML model to…
IntelliPointer 4.0
IntelliPointer is ergonomic mouse software that reduces hand movement and strain. Allows for easy and precise movement of the pointer to…
Twilight Utilities Phone and Web Server 2.3
This unique collection of utilities provides unprecedented connectivity. A phone server / gateway to let you control your telephone from…

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