Trex 2000 1.0
a cards game, played by four, you play with three computer player , you can also team up with one computer player to beat the other two…
Ace Password Sniffer 1.2
The most powerful and effetive password sniffer. Ace Password Sniffer can listen on your LAN and enable network administrators or parents…
Example:  Norton Antivirus
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Making Money Website Home 2.7.78
Making Money Website Home teaches you how to start getting customers in just 10 min! Making Money Website Home tells you how to get over $1…
Atlantis Nova
Atlantis is the innovative full-featured user-friendly word processor of the new millenium. Commands are only one-mouse-click-away, the…
Link Popularity Software And Link Exchange 1.0
This program will load a text file filled with domain names, and scan each domain name to see how many other sites link to that site on the…

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