FlowBiz Net Publisher 1.00
Tool for publishing Active FlowBiz Procedure Charter HTML pages for browsing on a LAN/WAN or your companies Inter or Intranet. Deploy ISO…
ZikiTranslator 1.2.7b
Translator On-line in 8 languages with FAST TRANSLATION (You can translate selected text in any applicacion and translate it pressing…
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Home > Graphic software software

Moving Images Winter Scenes 2.0.0
Moving Images Winter Scenes features images of stunning Winter time scenes. Several images MOVE around your screen at the same time. You…
BookReader 4.1
BookReader is a comfortable e-book viewer. The program can scroll text automatically. In addition BookReader includes a uniquie on-line…
IVOS - Intelligent Voice Operating System 2.0.2.A
IVOS (Intelligent Voice Operating System) is an intelligent agent that offers both Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech capabilities…

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