Grab It! XP 10
Digitize graphs and charts quickly with our Excel based spreadsheet software. Log, linear, date and time scales, distance measurement and…
web based msde dba tool - Shusheng SQL Tool 1.0
web-based MS SQL Server(MSDE)2000 client tool, query analyzer and dba utility to design, create, query, backup, manage and monitor…
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Home > Autoread software

Easy Credit Card Checker 1.2
Instantly verify Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, Carte Blanche, EnRoute, American Express (AMEX), Discover, JCB and other credit card…
Force Shutdown 1.2
Force shutdown is an easy to use time save utility, saving you from several when you are finishing work with computer. The program a…
Text to HTML 2.4
This program will convert a book in text format into HTML files containing a separate file for the Index, Table of Contents and each…

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