uCertify Study Notes for test 70-029 6.08.05
Get Free Study Notes. Prepare for Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0(70-029) certification test. Use this…
FaxMail for Windows 9.86.01
Send/Receive fax from Single computer; for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP. You can try it for FREE. FaxMail is the easiest fax program to…
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9Rays.Net TreeView for ASP.NET 3.6
9Rays TreeView for ASP.NET (FlyTreeView) is a treeview control. ASP.NET treeview control features .net data binding, drag-and-drop…
Icarus 2.0
Ever had trouble finding an opponent for a good game of chess? Icarus is newest, easiest-to-use interface for the Internet Chess Club, w…
Dialer Queen 1.31
Dialer with skins and plugins support. Supports several ISP's and unlimited phone to dial up to each ISP. Keeps detailed statistics…

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