Ploing2 1.22
Arkanoid? Pinball? Pong? No, it´s Ploing2! A unique and innovative mix of arcade classics in a fantastic 3D world. An astronaut has to push…
Delphi Spell Checker 1.22
Make your Delphi apps 100% spelling error-free with this spell checking add-in (Delphi Expert). Auto-check spelling as-you-go right in your…
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Home > Carmen software

Videobase 32 320.00
DVD rental software for video rental It maintains customers, inventory and rental / sales information. Features include member im…
CaptureEze Pro Screen Capture 8.07
CaptureEze Pro is the Professional Windows screen capture and printing utility. Automatic start options allow predefined settings, printing…
ZSplitter 2.0
Small, Fast, and Free File Splitter

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