Interspector 3.0.5
Interspector is a code-based HTML/XHTML/XML editor. An inovative approach allows Interspector to massively decrease web site maintenance…
Random Event Sounds XP 5.0
Create your list of favorite sounds, screensavers and wallpapers, and Random Event Sounds will randomize your system sound events, other…
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Home > Visual interdev software

Registry Pro 2.2.6
Registry Pro is an activeX control that gives activex and COM (dll) developers easy access to the power of windows registry programming.
Pocket DVD Wizard 4.5.5
Watch your DVDs on your favorite handheld This software will allow you to convert standard DVD content into files suitable for yo…
Backup Utility 1.2
Backup utility is a useful tool to simplify files and folders copying to the archives.

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