Postage $aver Postal Bulk Mail Sorter (Win) 7.1.1
Postage $aver sorts your mailing list according to USPS requirements and creates simple instructions for assembling each mailing. USPS…
Screen Mate Builder 1.0
Create your own screen mates no programming skills required. Just collect images and sounds, --even your photos and your voices, and then…
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Home > Java drop down software

Stars and Planets 1.1
34 photos taken from the Hubble Space Telescope. Use this versatile screen-saver engine which rotates 34 photos of wildly colorful deep…
Advanced WordPerfect Office Password Recovery 1.22
A program to recover lost passwords to Corel WordPerfect Office documents: WordPerfect (*.wpd), QuattroPro (*.qpw, *.wb?, *.wq?), Paradox…
STL Import for Surfcam 1.0
STL Import for Surfcam is a STL file import plug-in for Surfcam. STL Import for Surfcam gives Surfcam the ability to import geometric data…

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