Anagram Plus for Pocket PCs 1.0
The object of Anagram Plus is to anagram or rearrange seven letters to form a word having 4 or more letters. Each game consists of either…
Security Forms 1.0
Collection of security and human resources related forms including; Absentee report, Acknowledgment of receipt of company property…
Example:  ACDSee
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  • Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
  • Try different keywords.
  • Try more general keywords.

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Home > Discotheque software

Reversi Fight 1.0
A nice free puzzle game designed for those who like to have a great brainstorm. This dynamic game will keep you tense and acute all time…
HVLJFont - Soft Fonts for LaserJet Printers 1.0
The HVLJFont soft fonts are for HP Laserjet printers that do NOT provide fixed pitch fonts that are scalable, or sufficiently legible.
AddURL Express Chinese Version 4.03
Addurl Express is a professional Web site promotion and marketing software tool for submitting your Web site, URL, or Web pages to 5,400…

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