ED for Windows
ED is a smart language sensitive programmer's editor, with a breadth and depth of powerful editing capabilities you're unlikely to find…
Grades for Students 4.00
An easy to use program that allows students to keep track of their course grades, teachers, assignments, test scores, number of credits…
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Home > Dictate software

Multi Reminders 2.52
A program to remind you of birthdays, bill payments, and appointments. Reminders can be periodic (eg, weekly, fortnightly, monthly…
LanMsg 1.01
This program works with LanDial to control dialing / Hanging up a DUN over a LAN. As LanDial is useful on its own this program is a…
WSP Module Player for C++ 5.2.6
WSP Module Player in a DLL or static library adds support for module music playback to your Supported formats are MOD, S3M a…

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