Waiter Assistant 1.0
Assistant for waiter at restaurants, cafes, bars, etc. It allows to replace sheet of paper and calculator with Palm handheld device, which…
MP3 Splitter 1.10
MP3 Splitter is an easy-to-use tool to split MP3 files. MP3 Splitter allows you to split a large MP3 file into smaller MP3 files. You can…
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Home > Interactive voice response software

MatrixWorld 3D Screensaver 1.0
Did you ever see The Matrix movie ? Hope, no further comments needed... Just transfer yourself into the Matrix World! The matrix stripes…
Active Partition Recovery 3.0
Active Partition Recovery is compact DOS software tool that helps to recover (undelete) deleted partition and logical disks on PC hard disk…
Audio Recorder Pro 3.13
Audio Recorder Pro is an useful audio recording software that lets you record any sounds from your sound card and save the recording…

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